Siamo entusiasti di vedere Anna sfoggiare i nuovi stili INC... una modella globale con un fattore di stile fuori dal comune. Il suo occhio naturale per i dettagli e la sua capacità di creare uno stato d'animo distinto con un solo look e un solo scatto sono a dir poco unici. Questa ammaliatrice è il pacchetto completo. Ballerina di danza classica dall'età di 7 anni, i suoi modi aggraziati sono insiti nelle sue ossa. A proposito di ossa? Accidenti! Avete visto la struttura ossea di questa bellezza?! Per conoscere la sua vita quotidiana, le sue muse e i suoi acquisti di bellezza... guardate qui sotto. Anna... a te la parola!
"Abbracciate il presente"... le parole meravigliosamente sagge della divina Anna Miller @akmillerofficial. E non potrebbe avere più ragione? Il 2020 è stato uno degli anni più bizzarri per una serie di motivi. Tuttavia, mentre ci avviciniamo alla stagione delle feste, è il momento di liberarsi dall'angoscia e di festeggiare come se fosse la nostra ultima possibilità. Perché? Perché la vita è troppo breve e preziosa per essere sprecata. Frequentare persone vivaci come Anna deve essere l'obiettivo. Loro rendono la vita ancora più bella
Quando si lavora in questo settore, si è automaticamente esposti a molte opinioni della gente su di sé, e questa è la sua natura.
Ciò di cui sono orgogliosa è di aver imparato a non permettere che queste opinioni influenzino il mio modo di sentirmi e di amarmi semplicemente per quello che sono.
- Anna Miller.
Anna, welcome to INC! We are so happy to be chatting with you! Tell us, whats the plans for Christmas & the festive season! Any annual traditions?
Thanks for having me! It will be my first Christmas in Australia since me & my family left to Poland when I was about 5 so I will be spending it with friends this year. Otherwise, I would celebrate it with all my family starting off with a big traditional polish Christmas dinner on the 24th. It usually consist of 12 different dishes like mushroom filled dumplings, borsch, baked carp..
It's the most delicious part of the year ... so many naughty but yummy foods everywhere we go! How do you monitor your diet & stay fit during the festive season?
Honestly, I think it’s all about keeping a balance but enjoying yourself :)
The US, Italy, Australia, UK .... you have global representation. Can you remember how old you where when you were first signed by an international agency. What did that feel like?!
I was about 16 when I was signed by Premier in London, it felt surreal
Are you still dancing? What began first, ballet or modelling? And do the two roles share any similarities?
Yes, I do! But rather than training 4 hours a day like I used to while in ballet school, now I take classes here and there just for the pleasure of it.
I started dancing when I was about 7, modeling came much later.. I think the two share a lot of similarities as in both, body awareness and conscious movement are really important.
Walk us through that head of hair. It is SO gorgeous Anna! How do you maintain those glorious, bouncy curls! Any top products?
Thank you! (And thank you dad !) I used to get teased about my hair when I was a kid so I used to straighten it. Over the years I learnt to embrace what’s different about my looks and fully own it.
I think coconut oil is my hairs best friend :) For styling, I like to use Moroccan Oil Curl Defining Cream or, if there is more moisture in the air, DevaCurl Styling Cream. If I’m out of those products, a dip in the ocean will just do!
And your divine skin? What products are you using & loving for your daily skincare routine?
My all time favorites are: SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic serum and Biologique Recherche Lotion P50
These products are incredible but I’m a firm believer that good skin starts from within so: clean diet, drinking lots of water and never sleeping with makeup on are some skin rules that I stick to.
Has a makeup artist on a job ever offered a piece of memorable advice regarding make up application or skincare, that you keep in mind or share with others still to this day?
Oh yes! Starting with quality skincare that works for your skin is rule #1.
#2: If you spend time prepping your skin before makeup application, you’ll be able to use less products and your skin will look more radiant and good under any light.
Also, using a gua sha tool (after skincare and before makeup) helps with morning puffiness and increases the skincare absorption.
Anna it has to be said, your cheekbones are dynamite!! They remind me of the stunning Erin Wasson! Over the years of working in a business that focuses on appearance - what have you truely come to love about yourself & feel really proud of?
Thank you very much! When working in this business, you’re automatically exposed to a lot of peoples opinions about yourself, and that’s just the nature of it. What I feel proud of, is learning how to not allow for those opinions affect how I feel about myself and loving myself simply for who I am.
2020 has been a crazy year ... with so many ups & horrible downs. What are you planning for 2021?! Tell us your goals!
One of them is starting a Wildlife show that focuses on birds, their diversity & huge role in keeping healthy ecosystems.
Birds are usually a good indicator of a healthy ecosystem so building a story and successfully spreading awareness of what’s flying around and how it affects us, would be a big one.
Your Instagram account, @akmillerofficial is so addictive to skim through! You have a beautiful eye for style, colour, shape. Where does this more artsy side of you come?
Thank you very much! Living for a good while in such a diverse city like New York has definitely educated my eye and inspired me on many levels.
I love looking at old school photography books and exploring museums and galleries (which are great for training your eye for shapes and composition).
I also draw a lot of inspiration, especially for colors and textures, from nature.
I noticed some passionate posts regarding International Women Day, the Global Warming and Climate Change strikes. When it comes to motivating people to get behind an important cause, other than attending strikes - how do you use your profile to push for change & action?
I use my profile to raise awareness and understanding through visual imagery,
I believe awareness & understanding of the issues are the first steps that lead to action. I voice what I believe in and hope to lead by example.
If there was a day in your life you could go back to ... what would that day be?
I try not to live in the past but embrace the now.
Il miglior libro, podcast e serie del 2020?
Attualmente sono ossessionato dalla serie "Raised By Wolves".
5 cose sempre presenti nel tuo frigorifero o nella tua dispensa?
Avena, banane, avocado, mandorle, latte d'avena.
Non prendete mai un volo senza ___ nella vostra borsa?
La mia macchina fotografica
5 prodotti attualmente presenti nella tua trousse?
correttore nascosto di Hourglass, rossetto Pillow Talk di Charlotte Tilbury, maschera per labbra all'agave di Bite, mascara waterproof KUSH di Milk Makeup, matita per sopracciglia di Fenty Beauty.
I migliori e più efficaci stili di allenamento del 2020 sono stati?
Pratica quotidiana di yoga
Il regalo che sicuramente farete a qualcuno questo Natale...
Un'ala per una tavola di carta stagnola
Il regalo che speri di ricevere?
ABCD per le immersioni
In giro per il mondo, i vostri posti preferiti per A) un pigro brunch domenicale B) un cocktail con le vostre amiche e C) un appuntamento romantico?
A) Hole in the Wall Cafe a NYC
B) Dumbo House a Brooklyn
Quando ci si sveglia di cattivo umore, il modo più rapido per uscirne è...
Meditare e fare una doccia fredda
Ti senti più a casa quando sei con
La mia famiglia