INC Talks
Meet Miami local Isabella Gonzales, also known as Isa! In our chat Isa shares insights into her modeling journey, from starting locally for fun to turning professional. We discuss the city's impact on her career, her holy grail beauty products and impressive travel experiences. Beyond modeling, we learn about Isa's life outside the industry, her fitness routine, and how she prioritises self-care by giving herself grace and staying determined to maintain daily goals. In conversation we discover her realisation that her external beauty does not define her identity and how that has helped her in an industry that oftern emphasises on external beauty.
Welcome to the INC family, Isa! Your energy on today’s shoot was amazing. We’d love
to hear more about your modelling journey so far. How did you initially step into the
Hey hey!! So excited and honored to be talking with you guys! I first started modeling when I
was 15 working locally for a small boutique in my hometown. This was just for fun but
reflecting back it truly allowed me to get comfortable behind a camera and find joy out of
modeling. A few years later i decided I wanted to pursue modeling professionally. I
submitted some photos of myself to my current agency NEXT models, received a response
and it has been an amazing journey ever since.
Miami is known for its vibrant lifestyle! Have you been a local your whole life, and
what opportunities has the city provided for your career?
I was born in Puerto Rico but grew up in Tampa which is around 4 hours away from Miami.
The city definitely takes some adjusting to but once accustomed you can really appreciate
and recognize how unique it is. Miami has provided me with tremendous amounts of
experiences and has put so many amazing human beings in my path!
Your skin and makeup today were flawless! What is your holy grail beauty product that
you can't live without? We’re dying to know your secrets!
Ahh thank you so much! My holy grail product for my face would have to be the Tatcha dewy
skin cream. Definitely a splurge but it does amazing things for my skin. Other than that I
would have to say any type of body lotion, I can’t go a day without it.
We would love to know more about your life outside of the modelling world! How do
you spend your spare time, what does your ideal weekend look like?
I am currently a college student so whenever I am not worrying about school haha I love to
spend my time under the sun whether it be at the beach, a park, or in my backyard. I hold
my family and friends extremely close to my heart and any time spent with them is a
blessing. I would say I am pretty introverted so an ideal weekend for me would be staying in,
cooking food, and just relaxing while watching a good show and cuddling with my cat!

Have you travelled much? What destinations are on the top of your bucket list, and
what draws you to these places?
Since a young age, I have been given amazing opportunities to travel. Some of my favorite
countries I have visited are Spain, Colombia, or Jamaica. Nothing can ever beat home
though! Puerto Rico will always be my top destination no matter how many times I’ve been.
I feel immense pride being Puerto Rican and try to rep my island any chance I get.
Do you follow a strict workout routine? What is your favourite type of movement!
I really do not follow any strict workout routine although I am trying to be more consistent in
the gym. I try to move my body in ways that make me feel happy and challenged. I grew up
playing volleyball and training on a weekly basis. I love to lift and get a really good sweat in
anytime I do workout. I also still love playing volleyball and it has been a great way for me to
stay active while also playing a sport that makes me feel good. I find that the most important
thing about working out is listening to your body and doing exercises that safely push your
boundaries and make you feel fulfilled because that is always the ultimate goal.
With modelling comes a serious commitment to self-care! How do you practice and
prioritise self-care into your busy schedule?
Self-care for me looks like listening to my mind and body, giving myself grace, and staying
determined to maintain my daily goals. Self care takes on many forms depending on the day
and my emotional state. Different moments require different responses whether it be
choosing to workout, simply resting, or recognizing I am overwhelmed and need time to
myself. The practice of self care is a top priority in life. No matter how many things I have to
do or how many places I have to be I try to always hold it as number one.
In an industry that often emphasises external beauty, how do you nurture your inner
confidence, and what advice do you have for others aspiring to feel comfortable in
their own skin?
I absolutely love this question and feel so grateful that I get to share my own experience.
Realizing that my external beauty does not define my identity has allowed me to appreciate
all the internal elements of my existence. All around us are ideas of what beauty should look
like and expectations for us to uphold. No one is immune to these unrealistic impressions,
including myself. It is not always clear how to combat these pressures however I start by
accepting my emotions and choosing to not give the voices in my head power. Recognizing
that I am one of one and uniquely made has helped me tremendously. Ultimately, give
yourself grace, love, and treat yourself like you are your best friend because the most
consistent person in your life is you.
Today we shot our Resort 24 Collection, you looked incredible in every style, we can’t
choose a favourite! If you had to pick, which was your favourite bikini shot from
I don’t know if I can pick a favorite haha! Such a difficult question but I would have to say my
favorite we shot today was the red and white contrast bikini!
2024 is almost here! Do you have any goals for next year?
My goals for this upcoming year is to continue learning and pursuing things that make me
happy and align with who I am. I also want to commit to trying new things even if they scare
me because I tend to shy away from anything unfamiliar. Lastly, I want to make it a goal to
spend less time on my phone and social media because it can be physically and mentally

Last song you played on Spotify?
La Complicidad by Cultura Profética
Last place you swam?
Seven Seas beach in Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Last amazing meal you ate?
My abuela’s breakfast which consists of a chorizo sandwich, oatmeal, and a smoothie.
Last shopping splurge?
I recently bought the Cecilie Bahnsen x ASICS sneakers and I am in love.
Last workout?
A walk around the neighborhood where my abuela lives.
Last time you felt or saw love?
I had the privilege of being with my family this past weekend and I felt a great amount of
love and gratitude.