A Melbourne girl with a heart for the beach, family & freedom ... her eyes fixed on ambition, peace & balance. Brooke Hogan @brookehogan1, a well-established Australian model has curved a brilliant path for herself in the modeling industry & it's a path that literally winds itself around the ocean every single day. With her sweet nature & love for the comfortable yet blissful things in life - she is the perfect fit to front the latest Billabong X It's Now Cool collaborative range. Like the new styles launching, Brooke is feminine but bold. Fun, cheeky & free from boundaries. She' is a pure class act in our eyes. Oh & she is one breathtaking babe!
Brooke Hogan, a well-established Australian model has curved a brilliant path for herself in the modeling industry & it's a path that literally winds itself around the ocean every single day. With her sweet nature & love for the comfortable yet blissful things in life - she is the perfect fit to front the latest Billabong X It's Now Cool collaborative range.

"I think it’s sometimes difficult to find the balance between being honest and open about my personal life whilst also trying to keep my private life, private."

Brooke how perfect you were for this shoot! Tell us, how did you receive the news you'd booked the gig?!
Thank you so much! I was having a coffee with a girlfriend when I got a text from Josie asking if I was around/free to shoot the campaign… I was just like “is that even a question, YES!!” The team then spoke with my management & I then got a call from my manager a few days later saying that I was confirmed for the job, shooting in a few weeks time. It all happened really quick and it was really, really exciting!
What was the first thing you did when you found out? What do you normally do when you receive great news about work?!
I called my mum because I knew should be really excited for me. Ever since I started modelling I’ve always wanted to work with Billabong. Being a young girl from a beachy town, we loved our surf brands and I always wore Billabong growing up. Even when I signed with my first modelling agency, they too referred to me as the Aussie beachy girl. I told them I had always dreamed of shooting for Billabong… fast forward 7/8 years and here we are. I knew mum would understand it was a big job for me so she was the first person I called! I alternate between my partner Myles and my family, whoever answers first haha!
You’re such a success these days, landing some stellar campaigns. Are you still “catting casting” or mostly attending requests. And tell us, in your opinion what do you think has proven to be the best casting outfit?
So many compliments, thank you. I think it’s a bit of both, I definitely get booked as request jobs but then there’s also jobs that I am chasing & working towards. I don’t think that should ever stop. If I have secured something exciting and something I’ve wanted for a long time (like this campaign for example), I’m always thinking ‘Okay cool, so what’s next’. I am always chasing that next big job & I think that’s vital for growth and success. As much as I do often get booked on request, I’m still going to castings and reaching out to new clients all the time.
The best casting outfit would be a pair of fitted/flattering jeans, a plain t shirt/singlet, blazer and heels! I think it’s important to show a little bit of your personal style but also just keeping it very paired back and simple!
It’s Now Cool loves the annual Billabong collaboration we do, as Billabong is such a central & iconic part of the Australian beach culture. What’s your earliest memory of the brand?
It’s such an iconic brand and from being from the Peninsula I was always at the beach & Billabong was a huge part of my wardrobe. I remember in early Primary school we would have ‘free dress days’ and I would always beg my mum to take me to the shops because I wanted a new Billabong T-shirt or jumper to wear. During our summer holidays I always wanted a new Billabong bikini!
You work in swim, active, lingerie & high end fashion. In terms of the latest INC X BB collab, what stood out to you when you first saw the range?
I think this range is very unique and that’s really special. It’s hard to make swimwear different as there are so many brands around but I think the collaboration between It’s Now Cool and Billabong offer a natural ‘edge’ & point of difference to their swimsuits. The fabric, prints and textures feel very elevated but come with an affordable price tag!
Your social media feed is so honest & inclusive which we think is epic. What are the most common questions girls & women tend to ask you?
I think it’s sometimes difficult to find the balance between being honest and open about my personal life whilst also trying to keep my private life, private. I think I have said this in every interview I’ve ever done but I am a very private person. So is Myles, so it’s something that I have struggled with overtime. I share what feels natural but I’m at a stage now where I try not to feel pressure about sharing things that don’t need to be shared online. I would say the most common thing I get asked is questions about my dog Freddie. Second to that would be questions about my beauty/training regime.
To date, what would be the most personal thing you’ve shared with your followers? Did it take a bit of time to build up the courage to do so?
Absolutely, the most personal thing I have shared would be my skin issues of the years. When you have an insecurity, putting it out to the world (or to 700,000 people), is always going to feel scary and confronting … but at the same time it is also sort of empowering! It’s a nice feeling knowing that people have similar issues & they can relate to you. Also, the fact that you’re putting yourself out there and saying ‘this is who I am’, is really powerful in itself.
Let’s talk about that body of yours! #TDF! Over the years I’m sure you’ve tried many types of training. For you personally, what style of workout guarantees not only a good burn but also noticeable results?
Personally I need to sweat, and I mean like, really sweat to see results! I enjoy high intensity training/running and basically any other cardio based workout. I see the best results when I combine cardio with pilates!
We all have that one stubborn area. What area of your body do you now know needs to be pushed to the max to be kept in shape?
Yes we do! My stubborn areas are my hips/side of my thighs and it has always been a problem area for me. I can work out like crazy and eat well and it just doesn’t budge. Areas like this are just genetics so I try not to focus on it too much. As long as I am training well, fueling my body with nutritious foods then I will naturally feel my best. It’s basically impossible to remove a stubborn area so instead of focusing on it, I try to focus on my overall health.
Summer is around the corner, thank god! Regarding day-to-day wear, which brands/designers will be living in your wardrobe this season?
I would say my style is very minimal and simple. Staple brands in my wardrobe at the moment would be, Nobody, Viktoria and Woods, Zara, Camilla and Marc & Bec and Bridge.
In your current wardrobe - what’s the biggest but best splurge! The one item that comes with zero regrets!?
My Camilla and Marc black blazer that I bought a few months ago. I’ve been searching for the perfect black blazer that goes with everything and I was a little bit hesitant because of the price tag but honestly, it’s been the best investment. I’ve worn it more than anything & I’ll have it in my wardrobe forever. A staple like a black blazer is such a great addition to any wardrobe.
Beauty wise, your skin is looking tip top! We know you’ve had some troubles in the past - what’s working for you now in terms of skincare? Any types of makeup or foods you now know you need to avoid?
Thank you so much, it has been a bit of a journey and it still is an ongoing journey! I try to stay clear of dairy and sugar as that tends to exacerbate my skin issues. I try and remove makeup the minute I get home from work, give myself makeup free days and I never ever train with makeup on. I have actually been working on something really exciting over the past 18 months, I can’t share just yet but stay tuned!
Flashback! Australia’s Next Top Model is where Australia met your darling self! Do you keep in touch with any of the other girls? Can you remember what it felt like meeting Jen Hawkins for the first time?
ANTM feels like a lifetime ago now! We all shared such an incredible experience together so I think we will always have a connection even if we don’t speak or see each other all the time. Meeting Jen was amazing, I had always looked up to her since I was young so meeting her was a dream. She gave me some great advice when I was eliminated and that has stuck with me this whole time.
To wrap, back to the INC X BB collaboration. For the gals shopping online without seeing the range in person - can you give us any hints RE fit, style, shape etc?
There is such a variety of styles in this range. Whether you like a skimpy bikini, high waisted, one piece etc there really is an option to compliment a huge variety of body shapes and sizes. With my body shape, I tend to go for more coverage and never usually go for the string bikini but surprisingly, the string bikini in this collection was my absolute favourite out of all of them. The fit and shapes are all extremely flattering and well designed and I think all women would be able to find a style they feel confident in!
You know you've woken up in a "mood" when ...
When my alarm gets snoozed more than 3 times!
Something you indulge in weekly without fail?
Hot chips and chocolate.
Five beauty items in your bag that you swear by?
Lip balm, eyebrow gel, a tinted moisturiser, sunscreen and a hair clip.
Three Instagram accounts you’re addicted too?
@tuckerbudzyn (a golden retriever haha), Rosie Huntington Whiteley @rosiehw and Gab Waller @gabwallerdotcom
Your biggest break to date (career wise), has been …
My role as presenter on Channel Sevens’s TV show, The Great Weekend.
Do you let lil’ Freddie sleep on the bed?
This is an ongoing battle and sometimes Freddie wins. I always said I’d never be that person that let their dog sleep on the bed, now look at me!
Two models (current or past), you’d die to dine with for one evening?
Kate Moss and Kendall Jenner.
The best coffee from Melbourne 100% comes from ...
Ollie and Ari in Brighton.
Your typical brunch order is ...
Fritters or Smashed avocado.
When you fly, what MUST be in your carry-on bag?
A sheet face mask and a big bottle of water!
If I gave you a $5 note right now & asked you to spend it ... what are you buying?
Not much haha, probably a strong almond latte!